Sunday, August 22, 2010

What I define Threshold as.

For this project, we are to design a threshold between the Architecture studio and the Courtyard.
For me, the struggle to think like a real architect is the threshold that a lot of the students in first year architecture have to overcome. We first year students come from the 'normal world' of thought, and we are forced to make a transition from that world into the new (to first years) 'architect world' of thought.
Studio helps us to develop our ideas and designs. It is the birthplace of our careers as architects and designers. I see the studio as the place where we can interact with architect minds (our lecturers and tutors)
The courtyard is the linkage between studio and the outside world. We're in this place between the architect world and the outside world. So i want to put my threshold in the courtyard because i think the courtyard represents the place that we are mentally at. Stuck between 2 worlds.

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