Saturday, August 7, 2010

Presentation work (2 A3 pieces for each project)

Project 1: Trash Can


  1. This was a very elegant final design and the ideas of compartmentalising effectively shows that you have an awareness of the literature.

    Your inspiration of triangles through the influence of your tool (3D scan and paper) can be seen in the presentation of your mode. The use of the canvas with the model shows both a 3 dimensional and 2 dimensional effect that brings out the experience of the extension and retraction of your "trash can". Further use of you tool (3d scan) within the presentation of your work would have made it even more effective. However it can be seen through your use of mixed media in your design that you have achieved a collection of methods shown in these 2 A3 sheets.

    A very surprising and unique use of presentation of your model was beautifully done. The overall idea can be seen with your explanations and drawings as well as a rendered Photoshoped version of what the final product would be, showing scale as well as demonstration to the usage.

    Your explanations were clear and the flow of the presentation helped my understanding of what your "trash can" was about.

  2. Hey Lily,

    I found your presentation very visually appealing, in the sense it was easy to read and understand what you were talking about. I particularly liked the use of black card and white text - I feel that it complimented your work nicely, especially the drawings you were doing of the reflective material.

    Listening to you talk about your design I noted that you had thought a lot about the practicality of your device. For example the different sized compartments; small for sentences and large for paperwork/models, and the compact and expanded modes.

    I remember you were talking about your research (3D scanning) and how it determined the way you 'attacked' this assignment. I think it would have been pretty cool to add these initial experimentations, that is your research, to your final presentation in some way. Whether that be montaging them to your existing drawings or watermarking them in the background.

    I am going to agree with 'ARROWBELLE' and say that the presentation of your model was very good! I really liked the model/drawing combo you had going on - the mixed media worked really well to explain your design.

    Good job! :D Keep up the good work!
