Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A3 presentations

"The threshold between courtyard and studio is a distortion of vision, which obstructs our perception.
Courtyard is rationalised. Studio is liberation... with boundaries.
The distortion of vision in our threshold shows the distorted social space"
For our group, threshold is the distortion of vision, which obstructs our perception of the world and what we know of it.
Studio is carnival, a place where we can let our ideas free, but this freedom is an illusion, because there is hiearchy in the studio, whether it be the hiearchy of the year levels or the power the lecturers and tutors have on the students.
We wanted to show this illusion through the distortion of the building through using textures from the architecture building and stretching the texture to change the nature and materiality of the building.

1 comment:

  1. For this particular design, your analogy of the text and the way you related it back to Carnival was particularly strong. I really liked the idea of distorting the vision of what people would see through your threshold and how well that connected with those you collaborated with. I think that the strengths in your design is the amount of thought you have placed into the ideas and philosophy aspect of it. This part you have explained very well and it is a similar theme that is seen throughout the collaboration as well. The growing distortion in the architecture of the building is very interesting to see because it shows that you are not just attaching your design into the site but integrating your design to be the architecture of the site. I think if you continued to develop your ideas and made it more architectural it would be even greater then what you already have.

    You have obviously used the tool of Second Life well in your design, experimenting with the texture that you want to create and I can see that you have thought a great detail about the experience that people using/occupying the space will feel.

    The presentation of your final design shows Second Life very obviously and I can also see your design in it very well. However if feels too much like a simple screen shot, but maybe this is the effect you are going for and the idea of taking a single snapshot that shows the entire idea of your design. Judy's interpretation of the "money shot"? In that case I can see quite effectively what you are going for.

    Overall I find your design very sophisticated, the philosophy behind it but maybe the execution could be further developed. I can see elements of the architectural design behind it as your design is becoming more integrated into the existing architecture of the Architecture building. I think that you have done a great job starting to show your ideas and you have obviously worked closely with those around you and the effect of your collaborated designs works very well together. So good job.
